Businesses in the digital era

Anastasia Pahl

1 min read

Digital transformation plays a major role in our everyday life and provides the technological basis for the development of new business models as well as a company’s all-encompassing ecosystem.

To accommodate dynamic business processes organizations require a flexible IT infrastructure. However, for companies with constantly changing needs, dedicated hardware is not an optimal solution: either the paid power is not fully exploited, or at peak times it reaches its limits without the possibility of a short-term performance increase.

The fourth industrial revolution is already here – putting digitalization on everyone’s mind! Cloud working allows us to work from anywhere we want, re-allocating our work and free time. We have the opportunity to find and pursue a healthy work-life-balance, managing family and job simultaneously.

We lead a fast life, however a fast pace also means challenges.We have to learn to be careful with ourselves and our own resources in order to keep up with the digital disruption. Processes that are becoming increasingly agile, must be able to be changed quickly and should be consciously questioned, digitized and used. The digital transformation affects all business sectors and industries.

The demand for a solution covering all areas of daily business is growing day by day. Companies want more than just a CRM or ERP system. They are looking for a sophisticated, fully automated and deeply integrated all-round solution. A solution that can accommodate their business needs and help them grow.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance to keep pace with change, think outside the box and deal with new innovations.

That’s exactly what we did at Cloudwharf.

We have created an integration for you that joins the world’s best CRM provider Salesforce, with one of the best financial solutions in Germany, sevDesk . Why? – Because we care. We simply wanted to make your everyday tasks easier and more enjoyable.

In the following articles you will learn what constitutes a good CRM system and why the perfect financial solution for your needs actually exists. You’ll find out what Salesforce and sevdesk actually offer and why integrating both systems gives you the perfect all-round solution for your daily business.

By Anastasia Pahl

Are you looking for a Salesforce Consulting Partner? Get in touch with us today and receive a personal consultation! Let us help you optimize your lead-to-cash process!


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