Salesforce integrations with ERP systems

Anastasia Pahl

2 min read

To streamline business processes and boost productivity businesses can now integrate their enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) software into one unified platform.

With the abundance of daily generated consumer data, organizations are facing a more complex business environment than ever. Customer information that is not handled properly can quickly become the biggest pain point for efficiency in forecasting and decision making – ultimately leading into the disruption of the customer journey as well as the sales and purchase processes. The most valuable asset to any organization are satisfied customers. However, nowadays businesses have to deal with the challenges of big data whilst trying to build profitable customer relationships.

To accommodate these business needs businesses invest in ERP and CRM software. Whereas ERP software deals with critical backend processes, such as purchase history, quotation and shipping details, supply chain management details, financial data and accounting information. CRM software enables businesses to understand their prospects and clients, manage sales pipeline and relationships as well as cross-sell and up sell products by handling the front-end information, including prospecting, sales tracking, recording customer interactions, pipeline management and creating and evaluating marketing campaigns.

ERP and CRM software are typically purchased and deployed separately. At first glance it might appear as the more manageable option – however, if both systems have their own database, keeping them synchronized might become a permanent concern. Any implemented changes in one system will need to be transferred to the other before any other action can be taken. For example, when making changes in a CRM user from customer service, operators will have to wait until the ERP database has been updated before being able to process bills, arrange product returns or replenish inventory levels. This will result in an increased risk of database errors and slower operations.

Integrating your CRM to your ERP solution will ensure that both systems share the same database, meaning that any alteration will be visible instantaneously in either system. Thus, any action between both systems, such as product returns, can be automated and accessed in real time.
Both systems hold contact and account information for different purposes. For instance, ERP focuses on warehouse, inventory, billing and shipping address etc., whereas CRM focuses on sales, support and prospects. With an integration, each system is provided with identical rules, removing the necessity of duplicating data entry.

Having up-to-date data will help your sales team to ensure a seamless customer journey and enable them to close deals more efficiently as they will have on-the-go access to all customer orders and inventory, alongside pricing and product information. An effective integration of your internal business processes will enhance cross-functional collaboration between departments, boost your overall productivity and streamline your business processes.

Working as a Salesforce Consulting Partner for several years now, our team at Cloudwharf has successfully managed and completed multiple projects. Our integrations and solutions provide your business with clearer visibility into all stages of your business’ sales process, giving you a 360 degree view of your customers – from sales and support to accounting and finance. A complete visibility of your customer’s needs, buying habits and order history will ensure you a better insight into your customer base. It will help you build lasting relationships and determine whether there is potential for future growth. Consistent data will serve you with better analytics and reporting and enable you to track any changes in your customers profitability, preferences and loyalty.

We move your business to the cloud and help optimize your workflow and internal processes! Contact us today for a free consultation!


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