What makes a good financial solution?

Anastasia Pahl

3 min read

Financial solutions should cover as many areas as possible while being straightforward and easy to use.

A good accounting software does not only assist you with book keeping, but supports you with adjusting open items, making liquidity planning, and run reminders. It helps you with asset accounting, generates tax returns and reports, such as the income-surplus bill, and always keeps you up to date. A connection to the tax accountant is important and allows you to operate external accounting through DATEV. At the same time, assistance systems and AI increase the quality and efficiency of your accounting work – sevdesk can do all that and much more. For sevdesk is a fully developed accounting software that simplifies your day-to-day business in various ways.

Founded in 2017, SEVENIT is a fast-growing company with over 80,000 customers. The bookkeeping software sevDesk is ideal for startups, SMEs, freelancers and entrepreneurs and is optimized for the DACH region as well as Italy, Spain, France and the UK.

Creating invoices can be so simple.

With sevdesk you can generate invoices in an intuitive and easy way on a professional level! The software offers various functions and applications, whether you want to create a quotation or an invoice. The customer master data and article descriptions are taken from the stored data in the system and supplemented with legal mandatory information automatically. On the basis of applicable tax rates, VAT is also charged. The cloud-based solution also ensures that all legal requirements are met and accepted by the tax office.

In addition to the versatile design functions, sevdesk supports additional different interfaces and integrations. For instance, the POST interface enables you to have your invoice printed out, enveloped and sent to your customer by a third-party vendor with just one click.

Features that make your life easier.

Once the invoice has been sent, you can relax and wait until the payment arrives, as sevdesk also provides a payment link, if you wish so. This feature does not only make your life easier, but also the life of your customers, who can immediately and conveniently settle the outstanding amount. With the help of online banking, all incoming payments are assigned to the corresponding invoices. You save annoying manual work by comparing account statements with open invoices.

Incoming invoices can be paid in sevdesk with just one click. Do you still have open and overdue bills? Who doesn’t? Using the bank interface, you will always have an overview of your accounts receivables. You can send out a reminder or set up a partially or fully automated dunning system with just one click, if an invoice is overdue for a longer period of time.

Accounting in times of digitization

Unlike to manual accounting, you can save an immense amount of time, trouble, effort and costs with an accounting software, while avoiding serious mistakes and omissions. Accounting is arguably one of the most infamous activities of most founders and at the same time a scare matter if you are not a tax consultant or accountant. Because a faulty bookkeeping can not only entail hefty penalties, but also mean withdrawal of the business license. Accounting can be so easy if you only use the right tools.

So you have reached the end of the month and have to send your tax advisor your incoming invoices etc.? Working with your accountant has never been so easy! The DATEV export function allows you to share your incoming and outgoing invoices directly with your tax accountant. Everything happens automatically with sevDesk. The intelligent software detects receipts and automatically suggests the appropriate booking categories. Optionally, you can also give your tax advisor access control via your sevdesk account and simplify your cooperation even further.

You can even automatically generate your revenue surplus bill or profit and loss statement based on your earnings and expenses through sevdesk and then download it as a PDF. As a result, you not only keep an eye on daily reports, but also your cash flow.
In Germany VAT-liable entrepreneurs and accountants must pre-register their VAT to the tax office. This has mostly been done via the ELSTER portal. sevdesk automatically creates your VAT registration from your receipts and expenses and sends them to the tax office.
If you want to structure your accounting even more simple, you can create various cost centers and manage customers.

Warehouse Management

The warehouse management features will provide you and your team with an overview of your inventory management and stocks. You save valuable time on product searches and have an insight into the purchase and sales prices of your products at all times. With flexible operating options, such as filtering and sorting, you can refine your search, view bookings for specific items, and assign tasks. Incoming and outgoing inventories can be tracked at any time, being automatically matched and adjusted when the delivery notes are sent to your warehouse management. This turns the processing of your stock into a simple and clear job, without robbing you time and nerves.


A financial solution that can do more than finance. So let’s take a closer look at the most important functions. Before we come to integration itself. sevdesk offers the following functions:

  • Invoices / Credits / Payment reminder
  • Order confirmations / delivery notes
  • DATEV export / tax advisor access
  • Turnover tax return
  • Digital document management
  • Online Banking
  • Online cash accounting
  • Warehouse Management
  • Third-party integrations

So you just realized why sevdesk is the perfect solution for you and your teammates? Have you already discovered what constitutes a good CRM system? Or maybe you want to know more about how Salesforce and sevdesk build the ideal all-round solution for your business?

By Anastasia Pahl

Are you looking for a Salesforce Consulting Partner? Get in touch with us today and receive a personal consultation! Let us help you optimize your lead-to-cash process!


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